Business Coaching

The Business Coach is a Mental Coach who works in the professional area.

People who need a Business Coach:


  1. They love their job, they are good in their job, they make a lot of efforts but they think to get less than they deserve. They really deserve to increase their clients and their success!
  2. They would like to run an additional Business to increase their income but they still don’t know what to do or they still have doubts.
  3. They don’t love the job, they’re frustrated, sick and tired and they want to change their job it. Maybe they want to start their own but they’re scared of it.


If you find yourself in one of these situations, Business Coaching is for you


1st CASE – If you love your job but you don’t know how to increase your income and clients, it’s important to build a strategy on purpose for you regarding your public image, the right marketing campaign (there are free ways to make yourself known).

We’ll build all this together in order to have a better image of yourself and suitable for your business.

We’ll find out if there’s a lack and fill it. I’ll also teach you strategies to get known to have more customers and how to grow your Business.


2nd CASE – If you have a job you don’t want to leave and you’d like to run an additional business. We’ll find together the right strategies to get famous having a professional image in that specific business area. Maybe one day it will be your main business! I’ll teach you how to get the proper public, how to get found and the free strategies using the social media, above all Facebook and Instagram.


3rd CASE – If you on’t like your job anymore, you can’t stand the situation anymore and everything seems unbearable.. You’d like to change your life but you don’t have the courage to leap into the unknown and you’re scared not to make it. This is your program!

You lack of courage but don’t worry. We’ll take baby steps. When the right moment comes, you’ll be able to leave the job you can’t stand anymore.

At the beginning we focus on improving your passion, finding the right strategies and the potential customers.

I helped a lot of people who wanted to work in the holistic area but had another job. Now they are happily running their holistic centers with many customers!

Don’t worry: everything is in our head and everything can be done.

We’ll start with a psychologic journey, maybe linked to your family matrix, in order to understand the blocks preventing your success. You deserve that success and that change!


Regarding Business, Money and Success, I use NLP techniques by dott. Richard Bandler and John Grinder. They allow me to understand what you really want and which are your inner obstacles or fears.


We work on self-esteem, on your possibility to make what you wish real and to deserve what you want.


Through deep exercises, you let go of your old beliefs on your inner and outer image and you start to see yourself the way you like and become the person you want to be.


We work with emotions, with your ancient affective part, with your self-esteem, with your will to believe in yourself and get rid of the unconscious convictions which limit you to take action in the right direction.


We need to get rid of the false limiting beliefs you got from your family or school or maybe from other rumors regarding your skills and the possibility to be successful.

When we have removed all your inner obstacles and found your deep values, we can set an action plan for your working life and your business in order to increase your productivity and lead you to the success you deserve.


It could also be necessary to set a “free” marketing plan, depending on your business sector, so that you won’t spend any money but you’ll be seen by your potential clients in a convincing and professional way.


It might be necessary to create or launch your own Brand to give more authority to your profession, to you or to your company. And also to strengthen your public image as a professional (or your center – professional studio – company).



4 BUSINESS COACHING PLANS, you can choose the best for you:

1) TEST COACHING – 1 online Session – 1 hour test session

2) SILVER PLAN – 3 online Sessions (1 hour session every 10 days)  – 1 month plan – Perfect to try and test the Coaching strength.

3) GOLD PLAN – 5 online Sessions (1 hour session every 10 days) – Perfect for a good coaching path – 2 months plan – It’s the most requested.

4) PLATINUM PLAN – 10 online Sessioni (1 hour session every 10 days) – 3 months plan – The best coaching path: important tools and resources to change and achieve your goals.

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