Life & Personal Coaching

What is Life Coaching?

Life Coaching deals with your Personal Life: it’s different from counseling or psych session.

If your life is not they way you wish and  frustrated regarding your current situation, Life Coaching can take you from where you are now to where you want to be.

è un ottimo strumento per portarti da dove sei adesso, a dove desideri essere.

The Coach guides you through darkness to light and joy.

The first thing to understand is what led you to the current situation and which are your unconscious mental programming.


We work on forgiving the past, increasing our self-esteem, self-love, your inner and outer confidence, the respect for yourself and family conditionings. 

We use the Professional Coaching NLP Techniques by Richard Bandler to improve you and fix all the issues which prevent you to be happy. John Grinder, energetic techniques to get rid of past negative experiences which unconsciously still affect you.

Emotional freedom techniques to let go of the past and “engrave” in your deepest part the worthiness you deserve.

We’ll also understand why you desire it mentally and energetically. We can use Owen Fitzpatrick techniques to increase positive energy and elevation of the vital state.

We’ll build you own path, customized for you according to your situation and personality.



Action Life Coaching Plan for changes and goals


  1. Once the Goal is fixed, we focus on the result (when to reach it and how long it takes). Setting a deadline is necessary to develop a serious program which leads to productive change actions and therefore the achievement of the goal set. To do this, we create actions or intermediate steps that lead you to reach the goal: we go on step by step.
  2. We focus on the advantages we’ll have once the goal is reached and the benefits in each area of our life. We consider this goal’s deep motivations and all the positive changes we’ll have in our life in terms of life quality and emotional state.
  3. We’ll figure out all the emotional obstacles or old fears which prevent our goal achievement. What is holding you back? What is stopping you? What is holding you in your confort zone (painful but known)? Therefore, we work with NLP and EFT Techniques to clear your way mentally and emotionally.
  4. We’ll fix an action plan: an efficient program made on purpose for you. Life Coaching lets your talents, potentials and your qualities come out, valuing all your resources, for a better life and a higher self-esteem. The task of the Coach is to motivate you to perform those actions that help you to find the optimal and harmonious state in your life in tune with your desires.
  5. We regularly check the results achieved and the steps taken, to verify your improvements: they are useful for your motivation. It’s important to set periodic deadlines with the relative results achieved to facilitate the path toward psycho-physical (or a specific personal situation) change. It’s also very important to have support, enthusiasm and mental motivation which can lead the Coachee to achieve the desired result.


Life Coaching sessions can be:

  • Online Skype Sessions
  • Email Sessions


4 LIFE COACHING SUBSCRIPTION PLANS, you can choose the best for you:

1) TEST COACHING – 1 online Session – 1 hour test session

2) SILVER PLAN – 3 online Sessions (1 hour session every 10 days)  – 1 month plan – Perfect to try and test the Coaching strength.

3) GOLD PLAN – 5 online Sessions (1 hour session every 10 days) – Perfect for a good coaching path – 2 months plan – It’s the most requested.

4) PLATINUM PLAN – 10 online Sessioni (1 hour session every 10 days) – 3 months plan – The best coaching path: important tools and resources to change and achieve your goals.

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